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Can't Find Framework .h File

I downloaded Andy Potion's "PFLetsMove" framework here and added the Xcode Project to my application's project. I then dragged the framework from that to the Link Binary with Libraries and Copy Files build phases.

Now, if I compile the application with a call to PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary() it works fine, so the framework is definitely there. But if I put the line #import "PFLetsMove/PFMoveApplication.h" in the app delegate, I get the following error: 'PFLetsMove/PFMoveApplication.h' file not found.

I've checked the compiled PFLetsMove.framework in the build folder, and PFMoveApplication.h is there. I did the exact same thing with the AquaticPrime framework (import the header) and it works fine. Where am I going wrong here, or is there potentially an issue with how the framework is built?


  • If you use a framework, you put the file name in angle brackets (i.e. <FrameworkName/FileName.h>), if it's a local file, you use quotes (i.e. "FileName.h"). Note that even if the source file is in a group or subfolder, it is not referenced as such.