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ZF wrong route rewrite

I've got 2 links in my layout.phtml and a route in the bootstrap:

1. Link:
echo $this->url(array('controller' => 'aktuelles', 'action' => 'index'), null, true );
// creates: http://localhost/aktuelles

2: Link
echo $this->url(array('controller' => 'projekte', 'action' => 'wohnen', 'projektId' => 26), 'projekte-galeria', false);
// creates: http://localhost/projekte/wohnen/26

$front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$router = $front->getRouter();
$route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(  'projekte/wohnen/:projektId', 
                                                    'module' => 'web',
                                                    'controller' => 'projekte',
                                                    'action' => 'wohnen',
                                                    'projektId' => null)
$router->addRoute(  'projekte-galeria', $route); 

When I load the page everything is displayed correctly and the urls are all correct.

Problem: As soon as i click on the second link (http://localhost/projekte/wohnen/26), the first link is changing:

from: localhost/aktuelles

to : localhost/projekte/wohnen

Why is the link changed?


  • Try to force to use the default route: instead of null use 'default' as the second parameter in the first url.

    BTW - the part 'controller' => 'projekte', 'action' => 'wohnen' in the second url is redundant, because you predefine these parameters in the route. The second link could by simplified like this:

    echo $this->url(array('projektId' => 26), 'projekte-galeria', false);