I have a Hibernate validator that validates a field against a given list of strings. I will put code for better clarity.
@Constraint(validatedBy = AllowedValuesValidator.class)
public @interface AllowedValues {
String[] value();
Previously we were using it as
private String method;
Now we need to use it for a range of values, method can have multiple values. I tried both:
@AllowedValues("Standard", "One-Day", "Two-Day", "Three-Day")
private String method;
@AllowedValues("Standard, One-Day, Two-Day, Three-Day")
private String method;
First one doesn't compile and second one takes whole string as allowed value(which is obvious).
Any ideas how to specify multiple values here?
Since it's a String[]
, you need to use array initializer syntax for multiple values:
@AllowedValues({"Standard", "One-Day", "Two-Day", "Three-Day"})