Using capture templates like the one below, I can add entries to different headlines in a file. How can I manually enter a headline during capture, instead of setting up each headline to a key in the .emacs file like I am now doing?
(setq org-capture-templates
("l" "Log" entry
(file+headline "c:/Org/" "Log")
"\n\n** %?\n<%<%Y-%m-%d %a %T>>"
:empty-lines 1))
I don't believe you can have it prompt for the headline on capture. You can however refile from within the capture window which should result in the desired behaviour.
I would define a catch-all target headline/file so that if you forget you will always collect them in the same location and then just have to refile them once created. If you also set a category/tag on this headline you will be able to easily see the misfiled capture entry and refile it as desired. (Example below)
Then instead of finishing with C-c C-c
choose to refile with C-c C-w
and you will be asked to select the headline you want to send the new entry to.
The capture template I use for this catch all is as follows (adapted from Bernt Hansen's capture settings)
(file+headline "~/Work/" "Refile")
"* TODO %^{Ticket} - %^{User}\nSCHEDULED: %^t DEADLINE: %^t\n:PROPERTIES:
\n:DATE: %^U\n:END:\n%^{MANAGER}p%^{HOSTNAME}p%^{LOCATION}p%^{TEL}p\n%c"
:empty-lines 1 :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
(Line breaks are added to avoid scrolling when reading here)
The heading is configured as follows
* Refile :refile:
:CATEGORY: Unsorted
With this I end up with all non-refiled tasks showing up as
Unsorted: Deadline: TODO <Headline> :refile::
I currently tend to use tags as reference if I'm waiting for coworkers/managers to deal with the ticket, or to remind me to speak to them about it when I see them so the tag at the end stands out clearly, as does Unsorted if I'm trying to remember what the issue is (since I simply have a case number and user name showing, details within the entry).