I'd like to write a Java program that takes arbitrary data and stores it in a MySQL database. The data can later be read again and the original object structure is reconstructed.
The background is that I want a generic tool for forms that need email verification in order to complete. So:
I'd like this to work for any data, not only String/String or String/int pairs. I was thinking about using a LazyDynaBean from org.apache.common.beanutils as a means to pass data to my tool.
The question is: is there a nice way to serialize that stuff, even when the values are beans (let's restrict on Java Beans), and not only primitives?
I was thinking that my database tables could look like this
| ID | UUID | validUntil |
| ID | emailVerification.ID | name | index | key | value | className |
Is that feasable at all? Could anyone point me into the right direction on how to store and load a DynaBean into this structure? Or any alternatives that I've missed?
Thanks a bunch.
You could serialize-/deserialize your Beans to and from XML (s.example below) and store the String in the database.
Does this help?
public static String beanToXMLString(final Object bean) {
String returnvalue = null;
final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final XMLEncoder xmlEncoder = new XMLEncoder(new BufferedOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream));
returnvalue = byteArrayOutputStream.toString();
return returnvalue;
public static Object beanFromXMLString(final String xml) {
Object returnvalue = null;
final ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
final XMLDecoder xmlDecoder = new XMLDecoder(new BufferedInputStream(byteArrayInputStream));
returnvalue = xmlDecoder.readObject();
return returnvalue;