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How do I control the layout of the pop-up form (alignment)

I Use JqGrid jquery plugin, i Want to use insert popup Capability, but I'll look into it when the controls are arranged,How can we control the order(alignment) enter image description here

enter image description here

I would like to be in.



  • I have no experience in RTL languages, but if I use direction: 'rtl' option of jqGrid I have much better results as in your screen shorts:

    enter image description here

    see the demo. I hope the demo will help you.

    UPDATED: It seems to me there are a bug in the ui.jqgrid.css in the line which defines style for .ui-jqdialog-content .CaptionTD. One should remove text-align: left; from the style settings to inherit the text-align style from the parent. One can fix the problem by including the following additional CSS after the ui.jqgrid.css in case of usage RTL language:

    .ui-jqdialog-content .CaptionTD {text-align: right;}

    The demo which uses modified CSS display the edit form as the following:

    enter image description here