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How can i set route value in client side for Telerik combobox

I have two combobox. I need get some value from first combobox1 after combobox1 has changed value and that put this value in Combobox2 route


.ComboBoxFor(m => m.Country)
.ClientEvents(e => e.OnChange"onCountryChange"))

.ComboBoxFor(m => m.UnitOfAdministration)
.ClientEvents(e => e.OnChange("onCityChange"))
.DataBinding(bind => 
bind.Ajax().Select("GetCityListByStr", "User",new { idCountry = "in this place i need put curent country ID" })

function onCountryChange(e) {   
    var fildUnit =  $("#fild_UnitOfAdministration");
    var fildStreet = $("#fild_Street").hide();
    var fildHouse = $("#fild_House").hide();
    var fildSegmentHouse = $("#fild_SegmentHouse").hide();
    var curCountry = Number(e.value);
    if(curCountry.toString() == "NaN" || curCountry==0){
    $.post("@(Url.Action("GetCityList", "User"))", { id:curCountry, asd:Math.random() },
         function (data) {                   
                    var comboBox = $('#UnitOfAdministration').data('tComboBox');    

    public ActionResult GetCityList(string id)

        int _id = id.ExtractID();
        ViewData["curCountry"] = _id;
        List<SelectListItem> listSel = new List<SelectListItem>();
        listSel.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Виберіть місто", Value = "0", Selected = true });
        TUnitOfAdministration un = TUnitOfAdministration.GetObject(_id);
        if (un != null)
            string sql = "lft>" + un.Lft + " AND RGT<" + un.Rgt + " AND TypeUnit in (2,3) order by Name";
            TypedBindingList list = TUnitOfAdministration.GetObjects(sql);
            foreach (TUnitOfAdministration item in list)
                listSel.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.ID.ToString() });
        return new JsonResult { Data = new SelectList(listSel, "Value", "Text", 0) };
    public ActionResult GetCityListByStr(string text,string idCountry) 
        text = text.ClearStringFull();
        int _idCountry = idCountry.ExtractID();
        List<SelectListItem> listSel = new List<SelectListItem>();
        TypedBindingList list = new TypedBindingList(typeof(TUnitOfAdministration));
        listSel.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Виберіть місто", Value = "0", Selected = true });
        TUnitOfAdministration country = TUnitOfAdministration.GetObject(_idCountry);
        if (country != null)
            string sqlAll = "ID_UnitOfAdministration = " + country.ID_UnitOfAdministration + "  AND Name like '" + text + "%' Order by name";
            list = TUnitOfAdministration.GetObjects(sqlAll);

            //if (list.Count == 0)
            //  string sql = "lft>" + country.Lft + " AND RGT<" + country.Rgt + " AND TypeUnit in (2,3) order by Name";
            //  list = TUnitOfAdministration.GetObjects(sql);

            foreach (TUnitOfAdministration item in list)
                listSel.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Name, Value = item.ID.ToString() });
        return new JsonResult { Data = new SelectList(listSel, "Value", "Text", 0) };

Thanks in advance.


  • You could fetch it from the current RouteData:

    new { curentCountry = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["countryID"] }

    where countryID is the name of the route parameter you are using. Or if it was part of the query string and not part of your routes:

    new { curentCountry = Request["countryID"] }

    You may take a look at the documentation which illustrates how you could subscribe to the OnDataBinding event which is raised when a request to fetch data is being made:

    So you could subscribe to the OnDataBinding event:

          .ComboBoxFor(m => m.UnitOfAdministration)
          .ClientEvents(e => e.OnDataBinding("onComboBoxDataBinding"))
          .DataBinding(bind => bind.Ajax().Select("GetCityListByStr", "User")

    and which allows you to pass additional arguments to this request

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function onComboBoxDataBinding(e) {
   = $.extend({ },, { curentCountry: "customValue"});