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Cost of nested method invocation in Java

My assumption is that, with compiler optimization (e.g., inlining), it makes practically no difference whether a method is "nested" a few levels. Would that be the case indeed?

For example, say that the following 3 classes are declared:

public class Third extends Second
    public int test3() // Call test2() and nothing else
        return super.test2();

public class Second extends First
    public int test2()
        return super.test1(); // Call test1() and nothing else

public class First
    public int test1() // Calculate a result somehow
        int result = 0;
        return result;

Given 3 already instantiated objects third, second and first, is the cost of the following calls practically the same?


Would it make any difference in optimization if the name of the method was the same?


  • Should you worry about method call overhead? Most of the time, no. It's only when you have a method that's called very heavily in a loop that this overhead matters.

    Usually, the nanoseconds of time difference mean squat when the work your methods are doing will be the complete bulk of time spent in execution. Further, as you mentioned, the Java HotSpot VM does do inlining of method calls where appropriate. That decision is up the VM however. See this link:

    There are better things to worry about in software development these days. Ship that app!