I need functionality in the application to allow users click on a row to select a row. Additionally I would want to add features for Ctrl/Shift + click to select a row.
I saw the examples where checkboxes are added to each row to select a row. I do not wish to add such checkboxes to the application.
I came across a link which is a year old but seems to answer my question http://groups.google.com/group/slickgrid/browse_thread/thread/96a5291161d41efa
Is there is a better way of doing things here?
SlickGrid DOM is NOT static - please avoid modifying it directly.
This functionality is already built into SlickGrid via a pluggable SelectionModel. There are two selection models included in the distro - Slick.CellSelectionModel and Slick.RowSelectionModel. All you have to do is call
grid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.RowSelectionModel());
See http://mleibman.github.com/SlickGrid/examples/example9-row-reordering.html for an example.