I made a little minesweeper game and I want to send it to a friend so he can test it out. The problem(probably) is that he isn't able to run it because he doesn't have Java for programmers(JDK) installed on his computer. How is it possible to export a program that will work on other computers without having to download any other files**(other than JRE)**?
EDIT: I did read about converting the JAR to EXE but I couldn't find anything that would do it.
EDIT2: Download here the JAR file(it's only supposed to open a blank window). I tested it on two computers with JDK installed and it worked, whilst on two others without JDK(one with the newest JRE) it couldn't start. This is the error:
There is no way to "not have to download any other files" - your friend must minimally have some Java Runtime Environment (or just "Java") installed in order to run Java programs.
If your friend has Java installed, you can package your application as a fat JAR so that he only needs your JAR to run your application (depending on the application - but I think yours should be fine).