Currently attempting to get some code to compile using Lejos for the Lego NXT brick. The command I run is nxjc
and I get a Cannot find symbol error. TachoPilot has been imported. Here is the output from the console:
` cannot find symbol
symbol : class TachoPilot
location: package lejos.robotics.navigation
import lejos.robotics.navigation.TachoPilot;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : class TachoPilot
location: class NXT.Nxt_code
private TachoPilot pilot;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : class TachoPilot
location: class NXT.Nxt_code
public Nxt_code(TachoPilot pilot) {
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : class TachoPilot
location: class NXT.Nxt_code
TachoPilot pilot = new TachoPilot(WHEEL_DIAMETER, TRACK_WIDTH, Motor.B,
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : class TachoPilot
location: class NXT.Nxt_code
TachoPilot pilot = new TachoPilot(WHEEL_DIAMETER, TRACK_WIDTH, Motor.B,
5 errors
Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
It's not in 0.9b; not sure about 0.8.5, but it's in 0.8.
I've seen a few impls, or copying it from 0.8 might work (with any tweaks necessary).