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Jira & Greenhopper - How to show total of Story Points per column on Task Board instead of total in hours

Using Jira 4.4 and Greenhopper 5.8.4

On the TaskBoard I'd like to show the total of story points for the column (state) rather than the total hours.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Good question and obvious feature request indeed - I don't think that is currently possible and there is a related (though not identical) user story filed already:

    It doesn't seem to have much attention yet, so to increase the chance of this being available you might add your vote/comment there to generalize this requirement and/or file a dedicated story addressing your use case specifically.

    Please be aware though, that the Task Board has been scheduled to be superseded by the new and much more flexible Rapid Board, once the latter encompasses all features (well, guess most at least) currently available within the Task Board - see The Future of GreenHopper for details, it boils down to:

    The Rapid Board removes the complexity of the existing user interface (projects, contexts, boards, filters, versions, etc) while retaining the flexibility of GreenHopper. In fact, with the Rapid Board, GreenHopper is now a whole lot more flexible due to our use of the JIRA Query Language.

    Fortunately the GreenHopper team is approaching this transition in a defensive and compatible manner, but obviously I wouldn't expect any new features to be added to the now considered 'Classic Mode' either:

    In GreenHopper 6.0 we plan to push the existing boards (Planning, Task, Chart and Released Boards) to a Classic Mode and drop the "Rapid" title. The existing functionality on the Planning, Task, Chart and Released Boards will continue to be available for a number of releases until it becomes clear that the majority of customers have switched over.