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How to load embedded data with YAML into play/morphia/mongodb?

I'm developing a web app using the play! framework and morphia/mongodb. I'm trying to load some initial data with the YAML feature provided by play.

I can't figure out the correct syntax for importing embedded objects.

Here is my data model using the morphia mongodb mapper:

public class MongoEvent extends Model {

public String eventId;
public String name;

public static List<MongoEventListItem> eventListItems;

public MongoEvent(String name){
    UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
    eventId = uuid.toString(); = name;

public class MongoEventListItem {

    public String name;
    public String quantity; 

Using the follwoing yaml code I can import the MongoEvent but not the embbeded MongoEventListItem:

 name: beer
 quantity: 50

 eventId: 4
 name: mango_event
 eventListItems: [mitem2]

In mongodb I get the following data:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("4f167231c2e6ac08b5c86685"), 
  "eventId" : "4", 
  "name" : "mango_event", 
  "date" : ISODate("2012-06-09T00:00:00Z") }

Any ideas about the correct YAML syntax?



  • Loading embedded Object list is not supported at current PlayMorphia module (v1.2.4). Check