I want to write a mongo aggregation pipeline for set of collections i.e and products and product-categories. I want to create an API which when given the following product and product-category attributes should find the matching product. Here are the collection structures. The search criteria for the products is as follows: I looked at the model and the product-categories collection is not in the products collection. Only the categoryName is in the products collection. That is why lookup will not work and I saw the unionWith.
This search can return multiple products since there can be multiple products produced by the same manufacturer in the same location. The goal is to find and return the product with its name and other attributes. My bad I forgot to add the product id field. category is not the primary key in the products collection it is just an attribute which happens to be the _id in the product-categories field. I looked up $unionWith
but I do not quite understand how to use it.
"products": [
"_id": 90888,
"manufacturer": "CCComps",
"factoryLocation": "China",
"category": 56514,
"categoryName": "Electronics",
"price": 550,
"model": "CC-1000",
"quantity": 10
"_id": 922229,
"manufacturer": "CCComps",
"factoryLocation": "China",
"category": 56514,
"categoryName": "Electrical",
"price": 700,
"model": "CM-1500",
"quantity": 10
The second collection is a lookup for the products based on the category in products and the categoryName. Product category matches the _id in the product-categories collection. Here is the structure of the product-categories collection. I am fairly new the Mongodb aggregation pipeline. I tried solving it by multiple Mongodb queries but it is slow because the product size is large and I have to make multiple queries. I'd appreciate help in providing a simple aggregation pipeline to solve this problem.
"_id": 22322,
"product-categories": [
"productName": "Camera",
"categoryName": "Electronics",
"categoryId": 56514
"productName": "Samsung Smart TV",
"categoryName": "Electricals",
"categoryId": 56514
I have some portions of the pipeline but putting it all together is the challenge:
"$match": {
"_id": {
"$eq": 56541
categoryId: 1,
And this portion:
"$match": {
"manufacturer": {
"$eq": "CCComps"
"factoryLocation": {
"$eq": "China"
"category": {
"$eq": 56541
How do I combine these to get the results? The output should be:
Searching with
_id: 22322,
categoryName: "Electronics"
categoryId": 56514
manufacturer: "CCComps",
factoryLocation: "China"
Should return
"_id": 90888,
"productName": "Camera",
"productCategoryId": 56541,
"category": 56541,
"categoryName": "Electronics",
"price": 550,
"model": "CC-1000",
"quantity": 10
All four search fields are in the 'products' collection, and you additionally only need productName
from 'product-categories'.
$match: {
// search terms here
category: 56514,
categoryName: "Electronics",
manufacturer: "CCComps",
factoryLocation: "China"
$lookup: {
from: "product-categories",
as: "prodCatInfo",
let: {
catName: "$categoryName",
catId: "$category"
pipeline: [
// reduce number of records before unwind
$match: {
$expr: {
$in: ["$$catId", "$product-categories.categoryId"]
{ $unwind: "$product-categories" },
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: ["$product-categories.categoryName", "$$catName"]
$set: {
productName: { $first: "$prodCatInfo.product-categories.productName" },
productCategoryId: "$category"
{ $unset: ["factoryLocation", "manufacturer", "prodCatInfo"] }