Working with the Box2djs plugin here:
... and all I'm trying to do is fill the ball objects with an image texture. I was hoping it was as simple as setting a css value, but I don't seem to be doing it right as none of the standard background related css rules change the balls. Using a math.random I could create 5 distinct class names to apply to each ball to create the different textured objects.
Here's an example of what it looks like now, compared to something I could make them look like using images: M&M Mock Image
This is the specific build of the physics engine I'm using this ... ... which is using jQuery instead of Prototype.
I've been playing with Box2DJS a lot and think I've found everything I need to implement it for almost anything (e.g. collision detection hooks, etc). Here is a snippet of code that I wrote to integrate a box or circle image in place of a box or circle object:
if ( myBallImage )
for ( aBody = world.m_bodyList; aBody != null; aBody = aBody.m_next )
var jellyObject = aBody.GetUserData();
if ( typeof(jellyObject) != "object" || jellyObject == null )
var position = aBody.GetCenterPosition();
var angle = aBody.GetRotation();
var mass = aBody.GetMass();
var halfheight = 0;
var halfwidth = 0;
for ( aShape = aBody.GetShapeList(); aShape != null; aShape = aShape.m_next )
halfheight = aShape.GetHalfHeight();
halfwidth = aShape.GetHalfWidth();
ctx.translate( position.x, position.y );
ctx.rotate( angle );
ctx.translate( -halfwidth, -halfheight ); // halfwidth, halfheight
if ( jellyObject.shape == "MYBALL" )
ctx.drawImage(myBallImage, 0, 0, halfwidth*2, halfheight*2 );
if ( jellyObject.shape == "MYBOX" )
ctx.drawImage(myBoxImage, 0, 0, halfwidth*2, halfheight*2 );
myBallImage = new Image();
myBallImage.src = 'circle.gif';
myBoxImage = new Image();
myBoxImage.src = 'box.gif';