I want to create a Zend Controller for ACL management so my problem is: How can I get all Module names, Control names and Action names in a Zend application to build a ACL Control?
I use Zend_Navigation and if the resource don't exist in your ACL Zend_Navigation is thrown a exception. And I want to use a database to deny and allow access. So I must build the database first. And if I must do that by hand it's a pain to do that.
I have created a function that can get all the actions, controllers and modules from a zend application. Here it is:
$module_dir = substr(str_replace("\\","/",$this->getFrontController()->getModuleDirectory()),0,strrpos(str_replace("\\","/",$this->getFrontController()->getModuleDirectory()),'/'));
$temp = array_diff( scandir( $module_dir), Array( ".", "..", ".svn"));
$modules = array();
$controller_directorys = array();
foreach ($temp as $module) {
if (is_dir($module_dir . "/" . $module)) {
array_push($controller_directorys, str_replace("\\","/",$this->getFrontController()->getControllerDirectory($module)));
foreach ($controller_directorys as $dir) {
foreach (scandir($dir) as $dirstructure) {
if (is_file($dir . "/" . $dirstructure)) {
if (strstr($dirstructure,"Controller.php") != false) {
include_once($dir . "/" . $dirstructure);
$default_module = $this->getFrontController()->getDefaultModule();
$db_structure = array();
foreach(get_declared_classes() as $c){
if(is_subclass_of($c, 'Zend_Controller_Action')){
$functions = array();
foreach (get_class_methods($c) as $f) {
if (strstr($f,"Action") != false) {
$c = strtolower(substr($c,0,strpos($c,"Controller")));
if (strstr($c,"_") != false) {
$db_structure[substr($c,0,strpos($c,"_"))][substr($c,strpos($c,"_") + 1)] = $functions;
$db_structure[$default_module][$c] = $functions;