I have been watching a video of a conference (See: Good JavaScript Habits for C# Developers at 13:23 in the video). The presenter has been discussing best practices in JavaScript. One of the tips he gives is to use object literal declarations which is something I am familiar with.
However, in the code he is using he declares an array using object literal notation like so:
var myArray = [], name;
I have never seen this before. I am used to the var myArray = []
part of the declaration but what is the second name
value after the comma? The presenter never discusses it and I can't find any other examples of this practice. Could someone please explain what this does?
This is chaining variables. It's the same as doing this.
var myArray = [];
var name;
You are simply saving space by defining your variables in one line.
They don't have to be on one line either.
var myArray = [],