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Error with validate() in AbstractFormValidator Wicket

I tried to add some validations to DateTextField as follows:

      IFormValidator validator = new AbstractFormValidator() {
        public FormComponent<?>[] getDependentFormComponents() {
            return new FormComponent[] { dateTextField };

        public void validate(Form<?> form) {
            Date date = (Date) dateTextField.getConvertedInput();

            if(date == null){
                error(getDependentFormComponents()[0],"Date of Collection is empty.");
                if (date.before(getTodayDate(Boolean.TRUE))){
                    error(getDependentFormComponents()[0],"The range of the Date of Collection is invalid.");


The validations are working absolutely fine but the output of error message appeared as below:

  Could not locate error message for component: CreatePrintingJob$3@form:dateOfCollection and error: [ValidationError message=[null], keys=[Date of Collection is empty., CreatePrintingJob$4], variables=[[label0=dateOfCollection],[name0=dateOfCollection],[input0=]]]. Tried keys: dateOfCollection.Date of Collection is empty., Date of Collection is empty., dateOfCollection.CreatePrintingJob$4, CreatePrintingJob$4.

Why could not the error message be located?


  • It is because you are supposed to give a property key allowing Wicket to find the correct error message in the property bundle of your component/page/application.