I'm having the following problem when trying to get the path of a given resource:
System.out.println("nf="+new File(".").getAbsolutePath());
System.out.println("od="+new File(this.getClass().getResource(".").getFile());
The output I get is:
nf=C:\Users\current user\workspace\xyz\.
The problem lies with the %20 URL encoding thing. How to avoid it? Is there a direct way to avoid getting this kind of string in the first place, or should I just run the returned string against some method that will do the URL decoding?
This is due to a URL handling quirk in the API. You can work around this by converting the URL string to a URI first:
new URI(this.getClass().getResource(".").toString()).getPath()
This will produce a String as follows:
"C:\Users\current user\workspace\xyz\bin\something"