Consider the following piece of code:
function processParagraph(paragraph) {
if (paragraph.charAt(0) === '%') {
for (var level = 0; paragraph.charAt(level) === '%'; level++) {}
return {
type: 'h' + level,
content: paragraph.slice(level + 1)
return {
type: 'p' + level,
content: paragraph
When I check this with JSLint, it complains that level
in the second return statement is used out of scope.
But why? AFAIK, JavaScript has Lexical Scoping/Function Scope. As there are no nested functions, the code should be perfectly valid. Or am I missing something?
One a variable is defined using var
it is visible to the whole function.
What you have there will use level
in the final return even though it has never been defined.
I would put
var level = 0; the top of the function, and not declare it in the for loop.