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Using FUSE library with Java; trying to replicate hello.c example

I am trying to create bindings to the FUSE library using JNA, but I have hit a snag along the road. I have minimized the code as much as possible to make it digestible here.

The FUSE library comes with a few example filesystems written in C. The simplest of them is hello.c. The following is a minimized version of its code to simply a few prints in the filesystem functions:


  FUSE: Filesystem in Userspace
  Copyright (C) 2001-2007  Miklos Szeredi <>

  This program can be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
  See the file COPYING.

  gcc -Wall hello.c -o hello `pkg-config fuse --cflags --libs`

#include <fuse.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

static int hello_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf)
    printf("getattr was called\n");
    return 0;

static int hello_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    printf("readdir was called\n");
    return 0;

static int hello_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    printf("open was called\n");
    return 0;

static int hello_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    printf("read was called\n");
    return 0;

static struct fuse_operations hello_oper = {
    .getattr    = hello_getattr,
    .readdir    = hello_readdir,
    .open       = hello_open,
    .read       = hello_read,

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    return fuse_main_real(argc, argv, &hello_oper, sizeof(hello_oper), NULL);

This can be compiled using gcc -Wall hello.c -o hello -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -pthread -lfuse -lrt -ldl

And invoked with ./hello.c -f /some/mount/point

The -f flag is to make it stay in the foreground so that you can see the printf()'s working.

All of this works well, you can see the printf()'s executing properly. I am trying to replicate the same thing in Java using JNA. Here is what I came up with:

import com.sun.jna.Callback;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.Structure;

public class FuseTemp
    public static interface Fuse extends Library
        int fuse_main_real(int argc, String[] argv, StructFuseOperations op, long size, Pointer user_data);

    public static class StructFuseOperations extends Structure
        public static class ByReference extends StructFuseOperations implements Structure.ByReference

        public Callback getattr = new Callback()
            public int callback(final String path, final Pointer stat)
                System.out.println("getattr was called");
                return 0;
        public Callback readlink = null;
        public Callback mknod = null;
        public Callback mkdir = null;
        public Callback unlink = null;
        public Callback rmdir = null;
        public Callback symlink = null;
        public Callback rename = null;
        public Callback link = null;
        public Callback chmod = null;
        public Callback chown = null;
        public Callback truncate = null;
        public Callback utime = null;
        public Callback open = new Callback()
            public int callback(final String path, final Pointer info)
                System.out.println("open was called");
                return 0;
        public Callback read = new Callback()
            public int callback(final String path, final Pointer buffer, final long size, final long offset, final Pointer fi)
                System.out.println("read was called");
                return 0;
        public Callback write = null;
        public Callback statfs = null;
        public Callback flush = null;
        public Callback release = null;
        public Callback fsync = null;
        public Callback setxattr = null;
        public Callback getxattr = null;
        public Callback listxattr = null;
        public Callback removexattr = null;
        public Callback opendir = null;
        public Callback readdir = new Callback()
            public int callback(final String path, final Pointer buffer, final Pointer filler, final long offset,
                    final Pointer fi)
                System.out.println("readdir was called");
                return 0;
        public Callback releasedir = null;
        public Callback fsyncdir = null;
        public Callback init = null;
        public Callback destroy = null;
        public Callback access = null;
        public Callback create = null;
        public Callback ftruncate = null;
        public Callback fgetattr = null;
        public Callback lock = null;
        public Callback utimens = null;
        public Callback bmap = null;
        public int flag_nullpath_ok;
        public int flag_reserved;
        public Callback ioctl = null;
        public Callback poll = null;

    public static void main(final String[] args)
        final String[] actualArgs = { "-f", "/some/mount/point" };
        final Fuse fuse = (Fuse) Native.loadLibrary("fuse", Fuse.class);
        final StructFuseOperations.ByReference operations = new StructFuseOperations.ByReference();
        final int result = fuse.fuse_main_real(actualArgs.length, actualArgs, operations, operations.size(), null);
        System.out.println("Result: " + result);

The definition of the the fuse_operations struct can be found here.

This can be compiled using: javac -cp path/to/jna.jar

And invoked using java -cp path/to/jna.jar:. FuseTemp

jna.jar is available here.

The error that comes up is: fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /some/mount/point: Permission denied.

I am executing both programs as the same user with the same permissions on the same mountpoint folder, and I am in the fuse group. I am using:

  • Linux kernel 3.0.0
  • FUSE 2.8.4
  • OpenJDK 1.6.0_23
  • JNA 3.4.0

So my question is: What exactly is different between these two programs (hello.c and, and how to make them do the same thing?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Here is some additional info.

Initial stat of the mountpoint:

  File: `/some/mount/point'
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   directory
Device: 803h/2051d      Inode: 540652      Links: 2
Access: (0777/drwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 1000/ myusername)   Gid: ( 1000/ myusername)

Output I get from running the Java program as regular user:

fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /some/mount/point: Permission denied
Result: 1
(program exits with return code 0)

After this, trying to execute stat gives the following error message:

stat: cannot stat/some/mount/point': Transport endpoint is not connected`

That is because the Java program isn't running anymore, so fuse cannot call its callbacks. To unmount, if I try fusermount -u /some/mount/point, I get:

fusermount: entry for /some/mountpoint not found in /etc/mtab

And if I try sudo fusermount -u /some/mount/point, the mountpoint is successfully unmounted and there is no output from fusermount. /etc/mtab is chmod'd 644 (-rw-r--r--) so my user can read it, but it doesn't contain /some/mount/point. After a successful unmount, the mountpoint is back to its old permissions (777 directory).

Now, running the java program as root:

Result: 1
(program exits with return code 0)

After that, stating /some/mount/point shows that is has not been modified, i.e. it is still a 777 directory.

I have also rewritten to include all Callbacks as Callbacks instead of Pointers. The behavior is the same, however.

I looked at fuse's source code and the error code 1 can be returned at multiple points throughout the execution. I will pinpoint where exactly is it failing on the fuse side and report back here.

Now for hello.c: running it as regular user, starting with the same permissions on /some/mount/point and passing it the arguments -f and /some/mount/point, the program doesn't print any output at first but keeps running. When running stat on the mountpoint, the program prints

getattr was called

like it should. stat returns an error, but that's simply because hello.c's getattr function doesn't give it any information, so no problems there. After executing fusermount -u /some/mount/point as regular user, the program exits with return code 0 and the unmount is successful.

Running it as root, starting with the same permissions on /some/mount/point and passing it the arguments -f and /some/mount/point, the program doesn't print any output at first but keeps running. When running stat on the mountpoint, I get a permission error because I am not root. When running stat on it as root, the program prints

getattr was called

like it should. Executing fusermount -u /some/mount/point as regular user yields

fusermount: entry for /some/mount/point not found in /etc/mtab

Executing fusermount as root, the program exits with return code 0 and the unmount is successful.


  • Found it. While the error was really silly in retrospect, it wasn't easy to spot.

    The solution: Fuse's fuse_main_real method's first argument is an argument list. In this list, it expects argument 0 to be the filesystem name, or some meaningful program name. Thus, instead of

    final String[] actualArgs = { "-f", "/some/mount/point" };

    It should have been

    final String[] actualArgs = { "programName", "-f", "/some/mount/point" };

    This also means that you can't use the argument list that Java gives you in your main method, since that doesn't include the program name either.

    Why it matters: fuse actually does its own argument parsing and calls /bin/mount passing it the following arguments:

    --no-canonicalize -i -f -t fuse.(arg 0) -o (options) (mountpoints) ...

    As such, if you give if -f /some/mount/point as argument list, fuse will try to run:

    /bin/mount --no-canonicalize -i -f -t fuse.-f -o rw,nosuid,nodev /some/mount/point

    And mount doesn't like "fuse.-f" and will complain.

    How it was found: Adding a bunch of printf() inside fuse's source code to figure out where exactly things were failing: in /lib/mount_util.c at line 82:

    execl("/bin/mount", "/bin/mount", "--no-canonicalize", "-i",
          "-f", "-t", type, "-o", opts, fsname, mnt, NULL);

    I apologise for assuming the error was due to it being Java-related or JNA-related or permissions-related. I will edit the question title and tags to reflect this. (In my defense, the error fuse was returning ("Permission denied") certainly wasn't helpful!)

    Thank you for your assistance ee. and technomage, and again I apologise for taking away a chunk of your time because of what turned out to be a silly mistake.