I have a Spring Roo project I am trying to create based on log4mongo-java appender and I want to get access to the data entries that looks like:
"_id" : ObjectId("4f16cd30b138685057c8ebcb"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2012-01-18T13:46:24.704Z"),
"level" : "INFO", "thread" : "catalina-exec-8180-3",
"message" : "method execution[execution(TerminationComponent.terminateCall(..))]",
"loggerName" :
{ "fullyQualifiedClassName" : "component_logger",
"package" : ["component_logger"],
"className" : "component_logger"
"properties" : {
"cookieId" : "EDE44DC03EB65D91657885A34C80595E"
"fileName" : "LoggingAspect.java",
"method" : "logForComponent",
"lineNumber" : "81", "class" : {
"fullyQualifiedClassName" : "com.comcast.ivr.core.aspects.LoggingAspect",
"package" : ["com", "comcast", "ivr", "core", "aspects", "LoggingAspect"],
"className" : "LoggingAspect"
"host" : {
"process" : "2220@pacdcivrqaapp01",
"name" : "pacdcivrqaapp01",
"ip" : ""
"applicationName" : "D2",
"eventType" : "Development"
The timestamp looks like:
"timestamp" : ISODate("2012-01-17T22:30:19.839Z")
How can I add a field in my Logging domain object to map this field?
That's just the JavaScript Date
(according to the mongo docs, and as can be demonstrated in the shell), so try with java.util.Date