Error 500: Could not serialize flow execution; make sure all objects stored in
flow or flash scope are serializable
Servlet: grails
URI: /payment.com/grails/payment/makePayment.dispatch
Exception Message: payment.com.ValidationService$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$d0f2434f
Caused by: Could not serialize flow execution; make sure all objects stored in
flow or flash scope are serializable
Class: Unknown
At Line: [-1]
Code Snippet:
payment.com: project name
payment: is the name of (domain, view, controller)
makePayment: is a webflow to make payment
ValidationService: is a service to test if credit card is valid or not
i got this error with in my grails project
i have a grails webflow that makes a payment, in this webflow i use grails
command object to validate input values.
when i call the method isValid from Validation service i got this error
i try to serialize domain class, controller, service, & command object class,
but i couldn't solve this issue.
any help, thanks
Validation Service
package payment.com
import java.io.Serializable;
class ValidationService implements Serializable{
// Filter out non-digit characters
def getDigitsOnly (String s) {
StringBuffer digitsOnly = new StringBuffer ();
char c;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length (); i++) {
c = s.charAt (i);
if (Character.isDigit (c)) digitsOnly.append (c);
return digitsOnly.toString ();
// Perform Luhn check
def isValid (String cardNumber) {
String digitsOnly = getDigitsOnly (cardNumber);
int sum = 0;
int digit = 0;
int addend = 0;
boolean timesTwo = false;
for (int i = digitsOnly.length () - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
digit = Integer.parseInt (digitsOnly.substring (i, i + 1));
if (timesTwo){
addend = digit * 2;
if (addend > 9) addend -= 9;
addend = digit;
sum += addend;
timesTwo = !timesTwo;
int modulus = sum % 10;
if (modulus == 0){
return true
return false
package payment.com
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.validation.Validateable;
import java.io.Serializable;
import payment.com.ValidationService;
class MakePaymentStep1Command implements Serializable{
ValidationService ValidationService
String cardNumber
static constraints ={
cardNumber(blank:false, size:11..16, validator:{ val, obj->
if (!obj.ValidationService.isValid(val)){
return ['payment.cardNumber.invalid']
return true;
Payment Controller
class PaymentController{
def MakePaymentFlow = {
action {MakePaymentStep1Command cmd ->
flow.step1Bean = cmd
if (!flow.step1Bean.validate()){
flow.message = null
The Error happens here:
if (!flow.step1Bean.validate()){
you have a (src/groovy)
directory in your grails project
. put your validation Service class
under this directory, and your makepaymentStepCommand
will be as:
package payment.com
import java.io.Serializable;
import payment.com.Validation;
class MakePaymentStep1Command implements Serializable{
Validation validation
String cardNumber
static constraints ={
cardNumber(blank:false, size:11..16, validator:{ val, obj->
if (!obj.validation.isValid(val)){
return ['payment.cardNumber.invalid']
return true;
I am not sure if this works, but try it.