I have some records which I show in a view. They have start_date
and end_date
When I access the view, by default I want it only to show records who's dates are not expired.
Expired being defined as:
I then want to have a checkbox that shows all records including the ones that have been expired.
How do I approach this?
In your controller action, you want to have this somewhere:
params[:search] ||= {} # make sure this is instantiated
# filter to show the expired records
if params[:include_expired] # check if the checkbox is checked
params[:search][:end_date_lte] = Date.today # end_date <= Now
params[:search][:start_date_lte] = Date.today # end_date <= Now
@records = params[:include_expired] ? RecordClass.where("end_date > start_date").search(params[:search]) : RecordClass.search(params[:search])
You could also bypass all the search things and just use a scope like this:
@records = params[:include_expired] ? RecordClass.expired : RecordClass.all # or whatever logic you need
# scope in the RecordClass
scope :expired, where("end_date > start_date AND end_date <= ?", Date.today)