Search code examples

String search algorithm that returns recursive matches - Java

The Rabin-Karp search algorithm is working fine but can anyone help to guide me in modifying it to a recursive search? . For example:

 *  **pattern:** rar
 *  **text:**    abacadabrararbracabrarararacadabrabrarbracad 
 *  **match1:**          rar               
 *  **match2:**            rar
 *  **match3:**                     rar
 *  **match4:**                       rar
 *  **match5:**                         rar
 *  **match5:**                                     rar

Are there other faster algorithm for recursive text matching searches?


Add external library from to build path. The code below will return all the starting position of the matches. inclusive of embedded ones like match1 and match2.

import com.eaio.stringsearch.BNDM;

String pattern = "rar";
String text = "abacadabrararbracabrarararacadabrabrarbracad";

// Loop through text to get starting position of matched pattern.
List<Integer> matchPoint =new ArrayList<Integer>();
int slice = -1;
while (slice<text.length()){
    com.eaio.stringsearch.BNDM result = new BNDM();
    int pos = result.searchString(text, slice, pattern);
    if (pos != -1) {
        slice = pos;


  • Of course there is. I will not recommend using Rabin-Karp in case of searching a small pattern in string. KMP i.e Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm takes linear time and linear additional memory and can return all the matches without the case of collisions which are nag when dealing with Rabin-Karp. Please read the wiki for it. This algorithm is a bit harder to understand, but shorter to code and once you get it right you feel very satisfied.