I have been testing out the foundation CSS framework and am quite liking their custom form elements that the framework provides.
I have built a page, http://eventgrapple.com/home
, to test the framework out, and it works fine in Google Chrome and so on (desktop) (slightly buggy in Internet Explorer 7) and works fine with a BlackBerry's native browser, but none of the form elements work in Opera 6.5 for BlackBerry bold 9700.
The link to the framework is http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/forms.php
. How can I fix this or is there an alternative?
Opera Mini has very limited JavaScript support. JavaScript is executed on Opera's servers when you submit something or click a link, so don't expect JavaScript frameworks to work correctly on it. Read more at: http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/opera-mini-web-content-authoring-guidelines/#javascript
Find some dedicated framework, or write from scratch following the guidelines from the article.