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C++/LabVIEW interop: error extracting data from LabVIEW array/ unexpected type conversion in function parameter

I'm using Cluebat-man's LabVIEW-C++ array interoperability class, and I'm getting an error extracting the data from from the array. Or, rather, the data extraction appears to succeed, but build fails when I try to use the data a line later.

(Context: The program is designed to implement Manjunath et al's peer-group filtering; the function is designed to extract the hue plane of an image. I'm fairly certain it's not a problem with the specific function, aside from perhaps its declaration of parameters, because the same problem crops up later in the program when I try to use the results from getHuePlane())

#ifndef IO_TYPE //Normal arrays or LabVIEW?
#define I_TYPE  /* int* */ CLvArrayHandlePtr<unsigned __int32, 2>
#define O_TYPE /* int* */ CLvArrayHandlePtr<unsigned __int8, 2>
#define IO_TYPE

#define USING_LABVIEW //remove if not

Extraction and function call:

#include "LvArrayIndexer.h"
#include "LvArrayTemplate.h"

O_TYPE pgf(I_TYPE HSLimage, int width, int height, int halfWindowSize, int noiseThreshold) {
    size_t size[2] = {width, height};
    CLvArrayIndexer<unsigned __int32, 2 > baseImgIndexer(HSLimage);

    CLvArrayHandlePtr<unsigned __int8, 2 > hueImage;
    CLvArrayIndexer<unsigned __int8, 2 > hueImgIndexer(hueImage);

    int LvImageData[width][height];
    int hueImage[width][height];
    int hueImageData[width][height];
    int windowSize = 2 * halfWindowSize - 1;
    int windowLength = windowSize * windowSize;
    int window[windowSize][windowSize];
    int flattenedWindow[windowLength];
    vector<int> peerGroup;
    int currentValue;

    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            LvImageData[x][y] = baseImgIndexer[x][y];

    hueImageData = getHuePlane(LvImageData, width, height);
    hueImageData = getHuePlane(HSLimage, width, height);
//Function continues

Function definition:

int* getHuePlane(int* HSLimage, int width, int height) {
    int hueImage[width][height];
    double calcValue;

    /*Get hue plane
     *AL HU -> AL.HU -> 0.HU -> HU
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            calcValue = int(double(HSLimage[x][y]) / 65536); //A-H-S-L; removes S-L
            calcValue = (calcValue / 256) - int(calcValue / 256);
            calcValue = calcValue * 256;
            hueImage[x][y] = int(calcValue);

    return hueImage;

The error is:

pgf.cpp:88:58: error: cannot convert 'int (*)[(((unsigned int)(((int)height) + -0x000000001)) + 1)]' to 'int*' for argument '1' to 'int* getHuePlane(int*, int, int)'

System information:

  • IDE:Netbeans 7.1
  • Compiler: MinGW (gcc v4.6.2)
  • Make: GNU make 3.79.1
  • System: Windows 7 version 6.1


  • I'm guessing the error is on this line:

    hueImageData = getHuePlane(LvImageData, width, height);

    The reason is because of type missmatch: LvImageData is defined as int [][] while getHuePlane expects int *.

    Also, you should also get an error on this line (in getHuePlane):

    calcValue = int(double(HSLimage[x][y]) / 65536); //A-H-S-L; removes S-L

    This is because HSLimage in the function is an int * while you try to access it as int [][] (or int *[] as the argument type should really be).