I'm having trouble getting a UJS call to update the page display. I want to update the value of a div when a select box changes (I've googled all over the place but to no avail).
I setup the change function like so (I'm using Haml):
$("#timesheet_worker_id").change(function() {
-# This works, so we know we're responding to the change event:
-# alert('Fired the change function');
$.ajax({url: "/timesheet_show_worker_name",
async: false,
data: 'selected=' + this.value,
dataType: 'script'})
My controller has the following:
def show_worker_name
calculated = 'Adam Bilbo'
render(:update) {|page|
### The following works just fine!
#page << "alert('This is a test')"
### This doesn't; DOM is updated but not displayed; test data for now
page << "$('#timesheet_worker_name').val('Adam Bilbo')"
My view has (I'm using simple_form):
=f.association :worker, :collection => Worker.all(:order => 'worker_number'), :prompt => 'Select a worker', :label_method => :worker_number, :label => "Worker Number", :input_html => {:class => 'startField'}
%p{:id => :timesheet_worker_name}
When the ajax call completes, I inspect the DOM and the value is there; i.e., in the console:
displays 'Adam Bilbo', but the value is not displayed on my page.
I'm running Rails 3.0.9 and gem jquery-rails 1.0.9; any help figuring out what I'm overlooking is most appreciated! Thanks.
RESOLVED - Solution by @iWasRobbed below works. However, basic issue was using val() instead of text() when updating '#timesheet_worker_name' and so my original approach also works with that change.
Let's restructure this a little bit...
$('#timesheet_worker_id').change(function() {
url: '/timesheet_show_worker_name',
data: { 'selected': $(this).value },
success: function (json) {
error: function (response) {
alert('Oops, we had an error.');
And your controller action would be:
def show_worker_name
calculated = 'Adam Bilbo'
render :json => { :name => calculated }, :status => :ok