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Multiple files with maven-assembly-plugin --> "already added, skipping"

I need to create multiple tar files in a tar-by-environment package.

Every different environment has a folder with an only file "", so I've got to merge the project content with the file for each of my environments: RC, BC, PROD.

I'm using maven-assembly-plugin to do this, so there are 3 assembly descriptors similar to this assembly with different "id":


And the maven configuration of the plugin is:


And the output log is:

[INFO] --- maven-assembly-plugin:2.2.2:single (make-assembly) @ nibbler-content ---
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: pack-content-rc.xml
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: pack-content-bc.xml
[INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: pack-content-prod.xml
[INFO] nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-rc/variables/ already added, skipping
[INFO] Building tar : /Users/ger/Documents/Work/nibbler-content/target/nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-pack-content-rc.tar
[INFO] nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-rc/variables/ already added, skipping
[INFO] nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-bc/variables/ already added, skipping
[INFO] Building tar : /Users/ger/Documents/Work/nibbler-content/target/nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-pack-content-bc.tar
[INFO] nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-bc/variables/ already added, skipping
[INFO] nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-prod/variables/ already added, skipping
[INFO] Building tar : /Users/ger/Documents/Work/nibbler-content/target/nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-pack-content-prod.tar
[INFO] nibbler-content-19.0.1-SNAPSHOT-prod/variables/ already added, skipping
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The problem is that the 3 resulting files have the same file, the first file to be exact, so I end up having 3 files that are exactly the same package.

I assume that the assembly process uses a directory to compose the tar, so it copies the first file, and for the second descriptor the file is already there...

Is there a way to avoid this to happend? Something like a clean before running each descriptor? Should I use maven-ant-run plugin or something like that?



  • The already added, skipping thing came first with version 2.2 of the plugin, you may try v2.1.