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Maven-release-plugin workflow with buildserver

I am playing around with the maven-release plugin, but I have some issues with it. Especially, how the workflow is intended to be when working with a build sever.

So lets look into the configuration

This is my pom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project ...">

        <connection>scm:git:[email protected]:our-company/our-project.git</connection>
           scm:git:[email protected]:our-company/our-project.git




            <!-- Use the maven release plugin to release new versions.
               - please find the instructions in the readme on how the release workflow actually works.
               - -->

                    <!-- Use the conventional commits version policy to propose next version numbers.
                       - See and -->


                    <!-- Set the version of submodules to the same version as the overall project-->

                    <!-- Use the conventional commits version policy to propose next version numbers. -->

  • Differently to jgitflow, I have to merge everything to the main branch myself.
  • I would assume, that I then call mvn release:prepare so that version numbers are set.

    I noticed, that this already results in tags being created, the version without the -SNAPSHOT is created and pushed and the next develop version is also created. So in regards to git, the release is finished.

  • Next I'd assume that bitbucket piplines performs the release on a tag-based build configuration, executing mvn release:perform, which results in a mvn deploy

Now, what I am confused about is, that there is a file created in the release:prepare phase, that is not checked in, but required for the release:perform phase.

How is the process then meant to be?


  • The workflow of the Maven Release Plugin is rooted in the idea that the release happens locally on someone's computer.

    You can also use it on a build server (essentially performing release:prepare and release:perform right after each other), and I have done that in the past, but nowadays, with advanced build systems like GitHub Actions or GitLab CI, I would opt for spelling out the steps in the build system instead of using the Maven Release Plugin.