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change text on mouse over and change back on mouse out

I want to have a table that changes itself on mouse over and changes back to the original on mouse out. Here the best I can do:

<div id="line1">
    <table onmouseover="showMore()" border="1">
            <td>this is sick</td>

function showMore(){
    document.getElementById("line1").innerHTML = "<table border='1' onmouseout='showLess()'><tr><td>this is awesome</td></tr></table>";

function showLess(){
    document.getElementById("line1").innerHTML = "<table border='1' onmouseover='showMore()'><tr><td>this is sick</td></tr></table>";

However, sometimes when I move the mouse out, the content inside the still doesn't change back to the original. Is there a better way to do this?



  • Well, you could certainly do it with CSS -

    div#line1 span#a {
      display: inline;
    div#line1:hover span#a {
      display: none;
    div#line1 span#b {
      display: none;
    div#line1:hover span#b {
      display: inline;
    <div id="line1">
      <table border="1">
            <span id="a">this is sick</span><span id="b">this is awesome</span>