i try to query MongoDB via Casbah for a field that is a array of strings with a regexp.
For example:
I have a Maschine with a list of ips, that are stored as string in the fields ips. Now i want to search for all machines that have the subnet 192.168.
For me i looks like that the i cannot query an array with a regexp applied to every entry and if one of the entries matches the machine is returned.
Any way to make such a query ?
-- Fixed
Thanks for your help.
Everything works now. At the end i need to work around one limitation of Casbah, because i needed to join to queries with $or and Casbah complains about missing implicits with the regexp.
My final code for a RegExp Array query with an additional other field is:
val regexp = ".*" + parameter + ".*"
val nameQ = MongoDBObject("serverName" -> regexp.r)
val ipsQ = MongoDBObject("ips" -> regexp.r)
val bldr = MongoDBList.newBuilder
bldr += ipsQ
bldr += nameQ
val query = MongoDBObject("$or" -> bldr.result.asDBObject)
val result = find(query)
It is not the nicest code and the string concatenation of the parameter needs to be fixed. But it works :)
You can ignore the fact that this is an array:
> db.rx.insert( { "ips" : ["", "", ""] });
> db.rx.find( { ips : /192./ } )
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4f104f0183bfca7a48b60da1"),
"ips" : [ "", "", "" ] }
MongoDB always behaves like this: if you treat an array just like a normal field, it will apply the operation to each member and, if one matches, consider the parent document a match.