I'm quite new to querying Microsoft's Active Directory and encountering some difficulties:
The AD has a size limit of 1000 elements per request. I cannot change the size limit. PHP does not seem to support paging (I'm using version 5.2 and there's no way of updating the production server.)
I've so far encountered two possible solutions:
So my question:
What approach is best used here?
If it's the first one, how can I be sure to handle the objectSid correctly?
Any other possibilities? Am I missing something obvious?
- This related question provides information about why the Simple Paged Results extension does not work.
- The web server is running on a Linux server, so COM objects/adoDB are not an option.
As I've not found any clean solutions I decided to go with the first approach: Filtering By Object-Sids.
This workaround has it's limitations:
The idea is it to first read all possible objects and pick out the one with the lowest relative SID. The relative SID is the last chunk in the SID:
Let's assume this is the lowest relative SID in a search that only returned 'Partial Search Results'. Let's further assume the size limit is 1000.
The program then does the following: It searches all Objects with the SIDs between
then all between
and so on until one of the searches returns zero objects.
There are several problems with this approach, but it's sufficient for my purposes.
The Code:
$filter = '(objectClass=Group)';
$attributes = array('objectsid','cn'); //objectsid needs to be set
$result = array();
$maxPageSize = 1000;
$searchStep = $maxPageSize-1;
$adResult = @$adConn->search($filter,$attributes); //Supress warning for first query (because it exceeds the size limit)
//Read smallest RID from the resultset
$minGroupRID = '';
$groupRID = unpack('V',substr($adResult[$i]['objectsid'][0],24));
if($minGroupRID == '' || $minGroupRID>$groupRID[1]){
$minGroupRID = $groupRID[1];
$sidPrefix = substr($adResult[$i-1]['objectsid'][0],0,24); //Read last objectsid and cut off the prefix
$nextStepGroupRID = $minGroupRID;
do{ //Search for all objects with a lower objectsid than minGroupRID
$adResult = $adConn->search('(&'.$filter.'(objectsid<='.preg_replace('/../','\\\\$0',bin2hex($sidPrefix.pack('V',$nextStepGroupRID))).')(objectsid>='.preg_replace('/../','\\\\$0',bin2hex($sidPrefix.pack('V',$nextStepGroupRID-$searchStep))).'))', $attributes);
$RID = unpack('V',substr($adResult[$i]['objectsid'][0],24)); //Extract the relative SID from the SID
$RIDs[] = $RID[1];
$resultSet = array();
foreach($attributes as $attribute){
$resultSet[$attribute] = $adResult[$i][$attribute][0];
$result[$RID[1]] = $resultSet;
$nextStepGroupRID = $nextStepGroupRID-$searchStep;
$nextStepGroupRID = $minGroupRID;
do{ //Search for all object with a higher objectsid than minGroupRID
$adResult = $adConn->search('(&'.$filter.'(objectsid>='.preg_replace('/../','\\\\$0',bin2hex($sidPrefix.pack('V',$nextStepGroupRID))).')(objectsid<='.preg_replace('/../','\\\\$0',bin2hex($sidPrefix.pack('V',$nextStepGroupRID+$searchStep))).'))', $attributes);
$RID = unpack('V',substr($adResult[$i]['objectsid'][0],24)); //Extract the relative SID from the SID
$RIDs[] = $RID[1];
$resultSet = array();
foreach($attributes as $attribute){
$resultSet[$attribute] = $adResult[$i][$attribute][0];
$result[$RID[1]] = $resultSet;
$nextStepGroupRID = $nextStepGroupRID+$searchStep;
The $adConn->search method looks like this:
function search($filter, $attributes = false, $base_dn = null) {
$base_dn = $this->baseDN;
$entries = false;
if (is_string($filter) && $this->bind) {
if (is_array($attributes)) {
$search = ldap_search($this->resource, $base_dn, $filter, $attributes);
} else {
$search = ldap_search($this->resource, $base_dn, $filter);
if ($search !== false) {
$entries = ldap_get_entries($this->resource, $search);
return $entries;