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Dynamic created checkbox using foreach in mvc

I have list page to show all images with its name from database in mvc list action (PhotoList - get).. in that view page (PhotoList.aspx), I have created checkbox to delete multiple rows. I want scenario like following

First page shows the list with in first column checkbox and in second column PhotoName and on the down page one button for delete selected rows . when selects checkboxes and clicks the delete button, according to selection the rows will be deleted from database and return the same list page..

I don't understand where to write code for delete and how?

<% foreach (var item in Model) { %>
             <input type="checkbox" name="deleteImage" value="<%= item.PhotoId %>"/>
            <%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=item.PhotoId }) %> 
            <%= Html.Encode(item.PhotoName) %>
<% } %>
<input type="button" name="Delete" value="Delete Selected items"/>      


  • The Code for delete will be written in the HttpPost action for delete. Something like below should work if you are using myModel

    public ActionResult Delete(myModel deleteEntries) //This is the post-version of your Action that rendered the view..If it's Edit, then change the name to Edit
        var deleteList = db.deleteEntries.where(d => d.checkBox == true).ToList();
        foreach (myList my in deleteList)
            db.myList.Remove(my); // remember db should be your DbContext instace


    You will first need to make a ViewModel because otherwise you cannot recognize which entries are checked for deletion with the help of checkbox.

    Make a ViewMode class like following

    using pratice3.Models; 
    public class MyPhotoViewModel
        public UserManagementDbEntities.tblPhoto TablePhoto { get; set; }
        public bool checkBox { get; set; }

    Return this to your view

    public ActionResult PhotosList() 
        var viewModel = _datamodel.tblPhoto.Select(g => new MyPhotoViewModel
                                           TablePhoto = g;
                                           checkBox = false;
        return View(viewModel); 

    In View, change the using statement to reflect IEnumerable<MyPhotoViewModel> and make appropriate changes accordingly.

    Then, define your Post Action like following

    public ActionResult PhotosList(IEnumerable<MyPhotoViewModel> myPhotoList) 
        var deleteList = myPhotoList.where(d => d.checkBox == true).ToList();
        foreach (var deletePhoto in deleteList)