In my Widget model I have the following:
scope :accessible_to, lambda { |user|
if user.has_role?('admin')
roles = user.roles
role_ids = []
roles.each { |r| role_ids << }
self.joins(:widget_assignments).where('widget_assignments.role_id' => role_ids)
Ideally, I would like to use this scope as a filter for Ransack's search results, so in my controller I have:
def index
@q = Widget.accessible_to(current_user).search(params[:q])
@widgets = @q.result.order('created_at DESC')
Doing this generates the following error:
undefined method `search' for Array:0x007ff9b87a0300
I'm guessing that Ransack is looking for an ActiveRecord relation object and not an array. Is there anyway that I can use my scope as a filter for Ransack?
Change the self.all
for self.scoped
. all
returns an array.
Update for Rails 4: all
will now return a scope.