I am very much new to Device driver programming. I was going through below website. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/driverdev.aspx
I was just confused with the word "binary". The particular statement says "The linker builds the final binary, and based on what the options are in the PE header....". So my question is what does binary means in Device Driver programming?
Firstly See Binary File on Wikipedia
Generally a binary file is any file that stores data in a non-human readable format. Therefore, word processor documents, spread sheets, databases and executable files (runnable program files) are all binary files (if you open them in a simple text editor, or echo them to the console, they don't make a lick of sense, they need another program or the OS to make sense of them).
In this instance "final binary file" would be the executable (or library file) that your source code is compiled to.
None of this is linux specific, but is general across all computer artectures (and probably some pedant will point out a computer/OS where this doesn't apply, so nearly all or all common could replace the all above)
Hope this helps