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Using object types with Jasmine's toHaveBeenCalledWith method

I've just started using Jasmine so please forgive the newbie question but is it possible to test for object types when using toHaveBeenCalledWith?

expect(object.method).toHaveBeenCalledWith(instanceof String);

I know I could this but it's checking the return value rather than the argument.

expect(k instanceof namespace.Klass).toBeTruthy();


  • toHaveBeenCalledWith is a method of a spy. So you can only call them on spy like described in the docs:

    // your class to test
    var Klass = function () {
    Klass.prototype.method = function (arg) {
      return arg;
    //the test
    describe("spy behavior", function() {
      it('should spy on an instance method of a Klass', function() {
        // create a new instance
        var obj = new Klass();
        //spy on the method
        spyOn(obj, 'method');
        //call the method with some arguments
        obj.method('foo argument');
        //test the method was called with the arguments
        expect(obj.method).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo argument');   
        //test that the instance of the last called argument is string 
        expect(obj.method.calls.mostRecent().args[0] instanceof String).toBeTruthy();