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How to make i18n with Handlebars.js (mustache templates)?

I'm currently using Handlebars.js (associated with Backbone and jQuery) to make a web app almost totally client side rendered, and I'm having issues with the internationalisation of this app.

How can I make this work?

Are there any plugins?


  • I know this has been answered, but I'd like to share my simple solution. To build on Gazler's solution using I18n.js (which we use with our project at work), I just used a very simple Handlebars helper to facilitate the process to do the localization on the fly:


        return (I18n != undefined ? I18n.t(str) : str);


    <script id="my_template" type="x-handlebars-template">
        <div>{{I18n myVar}}</div>

    The primary advantage of this is that there's no expensive pre/post processing on the entire json object. Not to mention if the incoming json has nested objects/arrays, the time spent looking for and parsing for them might get expensive if the object is huge.
