Nant seems very compiler-centric - which is guess is because it's considered a .NET development system. But I know it can be done! I've seen it. The platform we're building on has its own compiler and doesn't use 'cl.exe' for c++. We're building a C++ app on a different platform and would like to override with our own compiler. Can anyone point me at a way to do that or at least how to set up a target of my own that will use our target platform's compiler?
Here is one I did for Delphi. Each 'arg' is a separate param with a value defined elsewhere. The target is called with the params set up before calling it.
<target name="build.application">
<exec program="dcc32" basedir="${Delphi.Bin}" workingdir="${Application.Folder}" verbose="true">
<arg value="${Application.Compiler.Directive}" />
<arg value="-Q" />
<arg value="/B" />
<arg value="/E${Application.Output.Folder}" />
<arg value="/U${Application.Lib.Folder};${Application.Search.Folder}" />
<arg value="${Application.Folder}\${Delphi.Project}" />