From what I've found out, the Nimbus Look and Feel was introduced in Java 6 Update 10.
I have project where I use that Look and Feel.
Is there any situation where, the user has a Java VM newer than 6 update 10 (for example 6 update 26) and the Nimbus Look and Feel is not available ? This situation might occur if for example, Look and Feels can be manually/explicitly removed, but I've not been able to find out if this can be done.
So basically, is there a 100 % guarantee that, if the user has the proper Java VM version, the Nimbus Look and Feel will be available 100 % of the time ?
Thank you in advance.
There's no clear way for a user to remove a particular Look & Feel from their JVM. Anything is possible, though.
What's wrong with just checking for it in the code?