I want to try out the java libusb from http://libusbjava.sourceforge.net and cant even connect to my device...
I had this python code before:
def discover():
my_device = None
for bus in usb.busses():
for dev in bus.devices:
if dev.idVendor == 0x16c0 and dev.idProduct == 0x05dc:
handle = dev.open()
which worked really great. now i wanted to build the same in java and made this:
Device dev = USB.getDevice((short) 0x16c0, (short) 0x05dc);
try {
dev.open(1, 0, -1);
} catch (USBException e) {
but all i get now is
ch.ntb.usb.USBException: No USB endpoints found. Check the device configuration
at ch.ntb.usb.Device.updateMaxPacketSize(Device.java:82)
at ch.ntb.usb.Device.initDevice(Device.java:114)
at ch.ntb.usb.Device.open(Device.java:194)
at Main.main(Main.java:14)
that cant be true because i double checked the values from lsusb
and i have a Configuration 1 and an Interface 0...
Whats could be so difficult to connect to my device? I dont get it...
I found out that the device only had an interrupt endpoint, which is reachable for the python implementation but not for the java one... I changed that and now it works!