How would you get a JSON path to a given child node of an object?
var data = {
key1: {
children: {
key4: { ... }
key5: 'value'
An variable with a reference to key4 is given. Now I'm looking for the absolute path:
Is there any way to get this done in JS?
Thank you in advance.
So you have a variable with the value "key3", and you want to know how to access this property dynamically, based on the value of this string?
var str = "key3";
Wow, I can't believe I got this on the first try. There might be some bugs in it, but it works for your test case
var x = data.key1.children.key4;
var path = "data";
function search(path, obj, target) {
for (var k in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k))
if (obj[k] === target)
return path + "['" + k + "']"
else if (typeof obj[k] === "object") {
var result = search(path + "['" + k + "']", obj[k], target);
if (result)
return result;
return false;
var path = search(path, data, x);
console.log(path); //data['key1']['children']['key4']