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How I disable highlighting a row in DojoGrid on mouseover (preferably using WaveMaker)

I can for instance hide the header row of a DojoGrid in WaveMaker by doing the following:

body.tundra .Main .wmlayout .Main-clubsDojoGrid .dojoxGridHeader{
     display: none;

Is there something similar I can do to stop a row being highlighted upon mouseover?


  • This is the style rule used by the themes engine; replace .wm_template with your theme name (.wm_default)

    /* Custom mouse-over color for rows */
    .wm_template .wmlist-item.wmlist-item-over,
    .dj_ie6 .wm_template .wmlist-item.wmlist-item-over,
    .wm_template div.dojoxGrid-row.dojoxGrid-row-over, 
    .wm_template .dojoxGrid-row.dojoxGrid-row-odd.dojoxGrid-row-over,
    .wm_template .dojoxGridRowOver, 
    .wm_template .dojoxGridRowOdd.dojoxGridRowOver,
    .wm_template #wavemakerNode .wmlayout .dojoxGridRowOdd.dojoxGridRowOver a,
    .wm_template .dojoxGridRowOver td.dojoxGridCell
        /* Document-ClickablesHover-Background */
        background-color: #333333; /* Document-ClickablesHover-Background_Color */
        /* Document-ClickablesHover-Font */
        color: #FFFFFF; /* Document-ClickablesHover-Font_Color */