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Run N parallel jobs in powershell

I have the following powershell script

$list = invoke-sqlcmd 'exec getOneMillionRows' -Server...
$list | % {
    GetData $_ > $_.txt
    ZipTheFile $_.txt $

How to run the script block ({ GetDatta $_ > $_.txt ....}) in parallel with limited maximum number of job, e.g. at most 8 files can be generated at one time?


  • The Start-Job cmdlet allows you to run code in the background. To do what you'd ask, something like the code below should work.

    foreach ($server in $servers) {
        $running = @(Get-Job | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Running' })
        if ($running.Count -le 8) {
            Start-Job {
                 Add-PSSnapin SQL
                 $list = invoke-sqlcmd 'exec getOneMillionRows' -Server...
        } else {
             $running | Wait-Job
        Get-Job | Receive-Job

    Hope this helps.