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Java Oracle JDBC SELECT statement

I am practising Oracle JDBC using Java in Eclipse. I understood how to output SELECT * from product by iterating each line of the table using .next(). I am stuggling to output this statement:

SELECT pid, pname 
FROM product 
WHERE price>20

Here is my code:

import java.sql.*;

public class intro {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args)
    //  throws SQLException
        //initiazlie the connection
        Connection con=null;
        try //try connection to database
            //load driver
            System.out.println("Oracle JDBC driver loaded ok.");
            System.out.println("Connect with @oracle:1521:orcl");
            //declaring statement
            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            String dropProductTable="drop table product cascade constraints";
            //create string
            String createProductTable="CREATE TABLE product(" +
             "pid number," +
             "pname CHAR(20)," +
             "price number," +
             "PRIMARY KEY (pid)" +
             ")"; //do not add the semicolon(;) after closing the parenthesis.
            /*drop table */
            //execute the create statement
            stmt.executeUpdate(createProductTable);//execure the create statement
            //create string that holds the insert statement
            String insertIntoProduct="INSERT INTO product VALUES (1,'Pepsi',10)";
            String insertIntoProduct1="INSERT INTO product VALUES (2,'Fanta',20)";
            String insertIntoProduct2="INSERT INTO product VALUES (3,'Mirinda',30)";
            String insertIntoProduct3="INSERT INTO product VALUES (4,'Gum',5)";
            String updatePrice="UPDATE product set price=55 where price=20";


           //update statement

            //save the select statement in a string
            String selectStat="SELECT * FROM product";
            String selectProduct="SELECT pid, pname from product where price>20";
            //create a result set
            ResultSet rows = stmt.executeQuery(selectStat);
            ResultSet rows1= stmt.executeQuery(selectProduct);
            int count=0;
            while ( {
                String productNumber = rows.getString("pid");
                String productName = rows.getString("pname");
                String productPrice = rows.getString("price");
                System.out.println("Row #:"+count);
                System.out.println("Product#: "+productNumber);
                System.out.println("Product Name: "+productName);
                System.out.println("Price: "+productPrice);
            int count1=0;
            while ( {
                String productNumber = rows1.getString("pid");
                String productName = rows1.getString("pname");
                String productPrice = rows1.getString("price");
                System.out.println("Row #:"+count);
                System.out.println("Product#: "+productNumber);
                System.out.println("Product Name: "+productName);
                System.out.println("Price: "+productPrice);
                catch (Exception e)

When I am trying to ouput the selectProduct variable I get this error:

Exception:Invalid column name

Here is the output I am getting:

Oracle JDBC driver loaded ok.
Connect with @oracle:1521:orcl
Row #:0
Product#: 2
Product Name: Fanta               
Price: 55
Row #:0
Product#: 3
Product Name: Mirinda             
Price: 30


  • In your SELECT you are only getting "pid" and "pname":

    String selectProduct="SELECT pid, pname from product...

    But then you're trying to use a field that isn't in your SELECT:

    String productPrice = rows1.getString("price");

    Try putting "price" in your SELECT clause.