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Test cases in inner classes with JUnit

I read about Structuring Unit Tests with having a test class per class and an inner class per method. Figured that seemed like a handy way to organize the tests, so I tried it in our Java project. However, the tests in the inner classes doesn't seem to be picked up at all.

I did it roughly like this:

public class DogTests
    public class BarkTests
        public void quietBark_IsAtLeastAudible() { }

        public void loudBark_ScaresAveragePerson() { }

    public class EatTests
        public void normalFood_IsEaten() { }

        public void badFood_ThrowsFit() { }

Does JUnit not support this, or am I just doing it wrong?


  • public class ServicesTest extends TestBase {
       public static class TestLogon{
           public void testLogonRequest() throws Exception {
             //My Test Code

    Making the inner class static works for me.