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Auto call without asking the user

I am developing a java mobile application. Its purpose is that, when installed, it reacts to SMS messages on a specific port (suppose 5000) and the reaction is to make a call to a predefined number already installed in the application.

When I try to do that, a confirmation is requested before the call is made.

Is there a way to avoid this confirmation prompt?


  • It's possible in Symbian phones. I'm not so sure about Java apps.

            CTelephony::TTelNumber telNumber(_L("+9001123456")); 
        CTelephony::TCallParamsV1 callParams;    
        callParams.iIdRestrict = CTelephony::ESendMyId;  
        CTelephony::TCallParamsV1Pckg callParamsPckg(callParams);  
        iTelephony->DialNewCall(iStatus, callParamsPckg, telNumber, iCallId);  