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1wire problem in detail

I have defined these functions below, and when I ask Device_ID function for example of the family code, I only get FF (should be 28), acctually I get both the family code, 48-bit serial, and the crc 8 bit to be all "ones". It seems like the detect slave device function works as it should.... If i connect the slave he say's I am here, and if i take it away... no device present. I also have a 5kohm pull-up at the 1wire.

And I dont have a clue why my Device_ID dont work, so my question is why doesnt it work!? can u see anything wrong within this code (Im using a PIC 18F87J50 and one DS18B20):

My statement in Main:

     OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 1;


 Device_ID( 0x33 );

Used functions:

    void Detect_Slave_Device(void){ 
 uint8_t value;
 if (OW_reset_pulse())
  Display_StringAt("No Device Present!",5,6);
 } else {
  Display_StringAt("Device Present!",5,6);
  Delay_1sec(); }}

   uint8_t OW_reset_pulse(void){
 uint8_t presence_detect;

   drive_OW_low();     // Drive the bus low

  Delay_us(200);     // Delay at least 480 microsecond (us)

  drive_OW_high ();      // Release the bus
         // Here should the client drive low
 Delay_us(50);     // Delay 50 microsecond (us)

 presence_detect = read_OW(); // Sample for presence pulse from slave

  Delay_us(200);       // Delay 435 microsecond (us)

 drive_OW_high ();       // Release the bus

 return presence_detect;} 

    void drive_OW_low (void){
 LATHbits.LATH0 = 0;
 TRISHbits.TRISH0 = 0; }// Output

    void drive_OW_high (void){
 LATHbits.LATH0 = 0;
 TRISHbits.TRISH0 = 1;} // Input

    uint8_t read_OW (void){
 unsigned char read_data=0;

 TRISHbits.TRISH0 = 1;

  if (1 == PORTHbits.RH0)
   read_data = 1;
  read_data = 0;

 return read_data;}

And now some ofthe important device_id:

    void Device_ID( uint8_t command ){
 uint8_t loop, family, checksum, ROM_CODE[8];   // 1 byte CRC, 6 bytes SERIAL, 1 byte Family code
 static char container[1];

 OW_write_byte( 0x33 );   // READ ROM COMMAND DS18B20

 for(loop = 0; loop < 9; loop++) // 1 byte in per time = 64-bits
  ROM_CODE[loop] = OW_read_byte();

 family = ROM_CODE[1];
 checksum = ROM_CODE[8];
 And so on = Print MY VALUES ->

   void OW_write_byte (uint8_t write_data){
 uint8_t loop;

 for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)
  OW_write_bit(write_data & 0x01);  //Sending LS-bit first
  write_data >>= 1;     // shift the data byte for the next bit to send
 } }

   void OW_write_bit (uint8_t write_bit){
 if (write_bit)       // Write 1 time slot
  Brakepoint();     // 1 us
  //writing a bit '1'
  drive_OW_low();     // Drive the bus low
  Delay_us(6);     // Delay 6 microsecond (us)
  drive_OW_high ();      // Release the bus
  Delay_us(64);;     // Delay 64 microsecond (us)
 else        // Write 0 time slot
  Brakepoint();     // 1 us
  //writing a bit '0'
  drive_OW_low();     // Drive the bus low
  Delay_us(65);     // Delay 65 microsecond (us)
  drive_OW_high ();      // Release the bus
  Delay_us(10);     // Delay 10 microsecond for recovery (us)

   uint8_t OW_read_byte (void)
 uint8_t loop, result=0;

 for (loop = 0; loop < 8; loop++)

  result >>= 1;     // shift the result to get it ready for the next bit to receive
  if (OW_read_bit())
   result |= 0x80;   // if result is one, then set MS-bit
 return result;     }

   uint8_t OW_read_bit (void){
 uint8_t read_data;       // Reading a bit 
 Brakepoint();       // 1 us
 drive_OW_low();       // Drive the bus low
 Delay_us(6);       // delay 6 microsecond (us)
 drive_OW_high ();        // Release the bus
 Delay_us(9);       // delay 9 microsecond (us)

 read_data = read_OW();     //Read the status of OW_PIN

 Delay_us(55);       // delay 55 microsecond (us) 
 return read_data;}


  • The fault was not the code it self, I tried to connect it to a digital port with a RC filter, a small conductor of 10nf and a resistor of 1k ohm.

    I did not know this until later. Thanks for the response, it was helpful.