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Facebook Graph API Groups

I try get information about own groups over Graph API. On me/groups I get list of groups. But I not understood what is params: bookmark_order.

Also we can see param unread:1. If I right, it present if another user set some change in group (post new comment). If I refresh group page in browser or open in native android app, then unread is no longer appears. After which api request I can remove unread flag?

Also at group's wall I can ask question. But {group_id}/feed not contain this posts. How I can get it?

I have group document. I can get data about this document: subject, message. But if in document I insert image, then in message param I has string about this image: (img:301666969868743). How can I get this image? Simple GET-request with 301666969868743 (I assumed that this long decimal is ID) return false.


  • bookmark_order (see

    An array of objects containing the version(old-0 or new Group-1), name, id, administrator (if user is the administrator of the Group) and bookmark_order(at what place in the list of group bookmarks on the homepage, the group shows up for the user).


    Doesn't appear to be documented. I would presume this would be a read-only value that facebook controls.

    Log a documentation bug with facebook and ask them to explain it. (

    question not appearing in {group_id}/feed

    Tested it and you're right, it doesn't appear. Good find. You should log this as a bug with facebook. (

    Group document with image

    When I did an image in a document, I too got the cryptic (img:###) inside the message of the returned object from {group_id}/docs. However I was able to find it on the graph using and it returned the results. So I'm not sure how to help you with this one