I'm using this code (in my DAL project):
to access appsettings section in web.config file (from web project):
<add key="server" value="server.name.com"/>
<add key="database" value="databasename"/>
and in a Web.Debug.config I'm using a following transformation
<add key="server" value="MY-LAPTOP"
xdt:Locator="Match(key)" xdt:Transform="Replace"/>
after that when I start application the config file isn't transformed. First line of code returns the nontransformed infromation. What's wrong with the code? What am i missing?
I have tried to publish it and when I check config file everything is ok like it is ment to be.
The web.config transformation is only perform during the publish process. You can still enable it on every build, when you it F5, see
It's an MSBuild task to add.